Illinois Tech A Cappella (IIT A Cappella) is a student-run a cappella choral organization at the Illinois Institute of Technology based in Chicago. It is comprised of one large group of all members and several smaller individual groups run by volunteer members. Auditions are held at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters during the academic year, but any and all IIT and Vandercook students who are interested are encouraged to contact us and audition!
We have events each semester, which can range from sing-o-gram fundraisers to karaoke/open mic nights, usually located in Illinois Institute of Technology's main commuter hangout spot, The Bog (which is located in the basement of Hermann Hall). These happen at various times throughout the year and all are encouraged to come and support our group and enjoy the music.
We end the semester in a concert on campus, where each group performs all of the songs they have rehearsed throughout the semester. There's usually free food, good company, and great music to enjoy.
Anyone is welcome to join us for these events and semester-end concerts! We hope to see you at the next one!
If you have any questions, please contact us at